
manuel reil dipl.wirtsch.inf

consulting | it security | web dev

st.-cajetan-str. 23 | 81669 munich
fon +49 175 5760522 | fax +49 3212 1084647
mail | gpg | skype

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welcome | about me

Some details of myself:

my twitter msgs

Twitter / manuelreil



diaet-welt.org: Diät

This is my new site for Diät and Abnehmen.

reil.co: Webdesign by Manuel Reil

This is my new home for my webdesign activities. An design update is also on its way.


This is a local egg supplier.eier

zuckerwolke.de [link]

kindermodeThe Kindermode-Shop zuckerwolke.de - first designed and developed by paiko - now enhanced by .rm

axvitalis.com [link]

The innovative seller of healthy bio food, Axvitalis, now has a web site including online shop state of the art: Zeolite II template from Joomlart incl. virtuemart.

www.schule-stamsried.de [link]

The new web site of Stamsried school (Volksschule Stamsried-Pösing) is online now!.



www.jfv-stamsried.de [link]

The Jugendförderverein Stamsried support the youth of Stamsried with great energy and drive in collaboration with Stamsried school (Volksschule Stamsried-Pösing).



www.spvgg-mitterdorf.de [link]

Mitterdorf's sports experts have been looking for a new web developer for a new exciting web presence. The project is now up and running.



www.edelstahl-handel.com [link]

This exciting web shop needed my technical advise, so I programmed additional shop components.



www.freie-waehler-stamsried.de [link]

I am proud to announce the go live of my recent web site project of the Freie Wähler Stamsried.



www.junge-liste-roding.de [link]

One of my new projects "Junge Liste Roding" is on its way. Parts of this new web site are already available.
Update: It is online now!



www.niklas-innovations.de [link]

This very smooth, clean and slim web site represents an innovative team far beyond paint brush and paint bucket. The style of this work is innovative, too.



www.fc-stamsried.de [link]

A joomla work. From may 2006 until now I have been working on the project fc stamsried, a local sports club which includes the following 6 departments:




During the hot summer this year I was supporting my local municipality that decided to relaunch its web site. This challenging task had a strong demand for a every-likes-it-design, an easy and fast navigation and a well accessible information pool for both tourists from far away and local heroes.




This web site needed a consistent renewal and feature update. Now it is ready to compete with other sites in the JU neighborhood, e.g. regional home page competitions. We will see at the end of the year 2006 how well our contribution has performed in comparison to the others combatants.

Yes, we have won the competition!




Some time ago I started developing some gadgets for mobile phones (java mobile edition) again. And I stopped it and left back some ruines of code. If I complete only one of my throughout fascinating ideas (a personalized bus schedule for regensburg based on the nanoxml parser) I will announce it here.




Two years ago I started switching to the one and only os on earth: linux. In detail I use a suse 9.1 and a dapper drake (I love that simplicity and nice, clean look of gnome more and more).
On my old-fashion notebook I am almost forced to focus on console and textmode/ncurses applications. They are damn fast and you do not have to rely on mouse or other lame input devices. Currently I am thankful for using:

  • fetchmail, procmail, clamav, bogofilter, mutt, nbsmtp, abook
  • screen, vim, vifm, mp3blaster, rsnapshot, ssh, openoffice, xpdf
  • opera, firefox, jap, lynx, links, w3m, wget, proz, rtorrent, mutella, snownews, centericq



working student at siemens vdo, regensburg

My overall task from november 2005 to march 2006 consists almost completely of developing an perl application that formats the outputs of an daily run of static code checkers in a pleasant look. The source code produced daily is checked overnight against certain rules (MISRA, etc.). The desired output formats of my tool were MS Excel sheets and, of course, html.



internship at audi ag, ingolstadt

While I was working at audi in ingolstadt, the personal department only accepted two channels of application, paper-based ones and e-mail. Besides some assistance in the whole it environment I designed and developed an outlook plugin that deals with all the e-mail applications reaching the department.
At the start of my internship it was planned to rollout this piece of software only to four or five employees. After I had presented and illustrated the new features to my superiors I was advised to prepare it for a much bigger roll-out. At the end over 150 employees got EmailReply installed on their workstations. In addition I really put some effort into the trainings and presentations both in ingolstadt and neckarsulm.



internship at kinetiqa gmbh, regensburg

Teamwork and team spirit are not just empty phrases. In a small team consisting only of four innovative and funny people you have to put in all you have learned so far. This is not the only thing I gained from this challenging internship: knowledge in web technologies, skills in programming scripting languages like perl, tcl and php. html, css and a still persistent interest in good wines.


my studies
dipl.wirtsch.inf. means Diplom-Wirtschaftsinformatiker. Yes, the good old german Diplom. I was lucky to be one of the last students that could achieve this kind of title. In detail this academical title guarantees that I have obtained decent knowledge in both business administration and computer science/information technology.
During the main part of my studies I delved into
  • it security
  • information systems
  • multimedia and mobile applications
  • web technology
  • operations research (business administration) and
  • common classes in computer science.
  • intercultural training (1 year, additional study, focal point south america, asia)
The most interesting and exciting aspects of my studies were those where I could produce code, paper, sweat, anger or all four of them. Working in a team for most of the time reduced the chance of failing and increased the fun factor significantly.
Beneath I am proud to present some of the results I put much effort in:

diploma thesis [ge,pdf]

design of a security infrastructure for vehicular ad-hoc networks (vanets)

CryptoSpeed [zip]

As a goodie/add-on for my diploma thesis I developed a (small) java tool for measuring the processing time of common cipher and signature algorithms.
To use it you have to install and configure the Bouncy Castle Crypto API, available here.

usage: java -jar CryptoSpeed.jar -s|-c [-m ] [-l ] [-o ] [-v]
-c <blow|rsa|3des|aes|all> cipher with specified algorithm
-l <loops> count of loops; optional
-m <message length> message length in bytes; optional
-o <file> specify output file; optional
-s <ecc|rsa|md5|dsa|sha1|all> sign with specified algorithm
-v (very) verbose output; optional

seminararbeit - it security [ge,pdf]

detailed source code analysis of an internet worm (sql-slammer)

projektseminar - multimedia [link]

In those times where ipaqs were new, fancy and cool gadgets a small team including myself designed and programmed a flash application for this platform. We had to consider certain restrictions and design goals:
  • hardware restrictions of an ipaq (processing power, small screen)
  • all forms of media should be included
  • "teaching touch": almost everybody should be able to understand the content illustrated in this guided tour
A second team programmed a smil application in the meantime: same content, same design goals. I will try to present this application in future, too.

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